Pratishyaya or Common Cold is the first indicator of our weakened immune system. Cold with Flu is a self-limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses. It is predominantly a Kapha disorder, but Ayurveda also believes that all the three dosha’s can be responsible for this common illness, some of the symptoms are accumulation of mucus, running nose, sore throat, congestion, cough, body ache, headache and chills with fever. Accumulation of toxins, seasonal changes, improper diet and lifestyle are some of the causes that weaken the body’s defence mechanisms. Cure in Ayurveda, is slow but very effective in the long run.
Ayurvedic home remedies you can try:
- Add one to two teaspoons of powdered cloves, ginger, licorice, basil, or cinnamon to your meals.
- Make a tea using a cup of hot water, a bit of clove powder, and one-half teaspoon of each of the following: fennel seeds, ginger powder, and cinnamon. Let steep for at least five minutes, and drink throughout the day. If you are on an aspirin regimen, you should know that ginger may also thin the blood, so be more cautious with the amount of tea consumed.
- Include large amounts of raw garlic, nature’s antiseptic, in your recipes.
- Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to 1 glass of boiling water. Simmer for a few minutes, strain, and let it cool. Drink it 12 times a day. If sore throat is also present, add a few small pieces of dry ginger to the boiling water.
- Take two garlic cloves crushed and boiled in water along with half a teaspoon turmeric powder. This is an excellent antidote for cold.
- Take a concoction of ginger juice and honey, a few times a day. This remedy gives instant relief from cough and cold.
- Mix the juice of two lemons in 2½ cups of boiling water sweetened with honey. Take this at bed time. It is a very effective remedy for bad cold.
- For acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric. Drink this once daily for 3 days.
- For severe cold: Take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
- Consume more whole grains and steamed vegetables and fewer meats, dairy products, oily foods, nuts, pastries, and sweet fruit juices until your symptoms subside.
- Avoid heavy exercise
- Stay in a warm sunny place
- cover your head and ears when you go out
- Keep away from snow and cold wind
Treatment in Ayurveda:
According to Ayurveda all the three doshas are responsible for causing common cold. Colds due to vata dosha have dry coughs, little mucus discharge, hoarse voice, headache and a runny nose, where as colds due to pitta dosha causes fever, sore throat, yellowish nasal discharge and continuous blockage of the nose. People with cold due to kapha dosha have thick mucus discharges with dull headaches and heaviness of head.
Shiro Vasti, Nasya, Shiro Dhara and Vamanam along with preparations for internal use are recommended in chronic cases.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.
Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor
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